Certificate III in Business (Office Environment)

We offer high-quality courses in Business, Community Pharmacy, Retail, and Leadership & Management.


Ready to excel in a rapidly evolving business world? Our course opens the door to exciting opportunities across various sectors. Develop crucial skills like inclusive communication, critical thinking, and self-awareness while learning to manage work priorities and maintain workplace safety. You’ll also gain expertise in sustainability, supporting personal wellbeing, and using the latest business technology to deliver exceptional service and manage business resources effectively. Whether you’re just starting out or aiming to advance, this course equips you with the practical skills you need to thrive in today’s competitive business landscape.

Training Overview

  • Course Delivery

    This course is delivered in an office workplace. Our Trainers will support your development of skills and knowledge while you’re undertaking work in a retail workplace. Undertake monthly training workshops via Zoom, complete your 100% paperless course work and build your skills in this vibrant industry. This program is typically delivered through a traineeship pathway, combining paid work and structured training; supporting your success.

  • Training

    Training for this course is completed by:


    • Completing our monthly module training workshops via Zoom with your Trainer
    • Reviewing and engaging in our Learner Guide that contains detailed readings and videos.
    • Completing the practical learning log. This log supports you to practice the required skills in your workplace before undertaking assessment. 
    • Where this course is completed through a traineeship pathway, minimum working hours will support your skill development.
  • Assessment

    Assessment for this course is completed by:

    • The completion of written short answer questions and checklists
    • Your workplace supervisor completing a supervisor report confirming you have practiced the skills in the workplace
    • Completing a workplace observation via Zoom with your Trainer. During this session, your Trainer will ask you to complete a range of work
  • Online Portal

    All course resources are provided in our Axcelerate portal. Our course is 100% paperless providing you with 24/7 access to course content. Students undertaking this course will be able to use a computer and various internet programs without assistance.

Entry Requirements

Entry into this qualification is available for individuals:

  • Who are an Australian Citizen, Permanent Resident, New Zealand citizen or eligible visa holder
  • Able to read and write in English
  • Able to use a computer and internet without assistance
  • Who have regular access to a computer/tablet and strong internet connection
  • Maintain work in an administration or office workplace that has the required facilities and equipment


Modules are the subjects undertaken through the course. A module may contain one or multiple units of competency. The below table outlines the modules included in this course, the units they contain and a summary of the module.

  • Communicate Inclusively

    BSBXCM301 Engage in workplace communication

    BSBTWK301 Use inclusive work practices

  • Work Priorities

    BSBPEF301 Organise personal Work Priorities

  • Maintain Workplace Safety

    BSBWHS311 Assist with maintaining workplace safety

  • Critical Thinking

    BSBCRT311 Apply critical thinking skills in a team environment

  • Sustainability

    BSBSUS211 Participate in sustainable work practices

  • Support Personal Wellbeing

    BSBPEF201 Support personal wellbeing in the workplace

  • Use Business Technology

    BSBTEC201 Use business software applications

    BSBDAT201 Collect and record data

  • Deliver Excellent Service

    BSBOPS305 Process customer complaints

    BSBOPS304 Deliver and monitor a service to customers

  • Maintain Business Resources

    BSBOPS301 Maintain business resources

  • Self Awareness

    BSBPEF302 Develop self awareness

Nationally Recognised

This course is nationally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework.

Key Details

Course Fee:
$0 - $3495
Delivery Mode:
Nationally Recognised:
Course Timeframe:
12 months
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Download the Course Information Pack

Find everything you need to know about our Certificate III in Business (Office Environment).


Frequently Asked Questions


  • Are these courses Nationally Recognised?

    Yes, our courses are Nationally Recognised.

  • Do I need to be employed to undertake these courses with AVA?

    Some of our courses have been developed to be undertaken while gaining practical work experience. View individual course information on each course page or connect with our team for more information?

  • Does the Government subsidise my training in these courses?

    In some States and Territories, Governments subsidise training for individuals who meet eligibility criteria. Connect with our team to find out more.

  • Are there any entry requirements to study with AVA?

    Course pages will provide you with detailed information on any entry requirements including any equipment you may need to undertake our programs.

  • Can these courses be undertaken online?

    Our organisation is 100% paperless. Our Go Green initiative supports students to undertake their course from any location within Australia with 24/7 access to course resources.

  • I’m a Student Visa holder, can I undertake study with AVA?

    Student Visa holders undertake training with CRICOS providers. Our team can review your specific visa to determine if you are eligible to undertake training with a domestic provider. Our College cannot accept enrolments from Student Visa holders

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