Western Australian Subdisised Training

The Western Australian Government provides a range of subsidised training programs available for Western Australian residents and workers. 


How do I know if I’m eligible?

Eligibility for each course can differ slightly, select from the below options to determine if you are eligible for current funded programs. 

Standard Traineeship

This pathway subdisises training for a range of priority qualifications to be undertaken as workplace traineeships. This funding is available for eligible individuals registered into a traineeship contract.


  • Registered into a traineeship contract with a Western Australian business
  • an Australian citizen; or
  • a permanent visa holder or holder of visa subclass 309, 444, 785, 790, 820 or 826;
  • a dependent or spouse of the primary holder of a visa subclass 457; or
  • a Bridging Visa E holder (subclasses 050 and 051) and you have made a valid application for a visa of subclass 785 or 790.
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School Based Traineeship

School Based Traineeships support young people undertaking year 10, 11 and 12 to participate in paid employment and structured training leading to a Nationally Recognised Qualification.


  • Registered into a traineeship contract with a Western Australian business
  • Be aged 15 years or older
  • An Australian citizen or approved visa holder
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Course Fees

Explore a variety of affordable training options, tailored for workers, new entrants, and school-based trainees.

Qualification Existing Worker New Entrant School Based
SIR20116 Certificate II in Community Pharmacy TBA TBA $0
SIR30216 Certificate III in Retail $3,495 S: $1056.25
C: $315.25
SIR30116 Certificate III in Community Pharmacy $3,750 S: $963.90
C: $285.60
Not available
SIR40216 Certificate IV in Community Pharmacy Dispensary $2663.40 S: $1495
C: $446.20
Not available
Key: S = Standard student, C = Concession student.
Existing Worker is a trainee who has been employed by the business longer than 12 months part-time or 3 months full-time since leaving high school.

Concession fees

The following students are entitled to concession rate on course fees with submission or valid and in date evidence.

  • Persons and dependants of persons holding:
    • a Pensioner Concession Card;
    • a Repatriation Health Benefits Card issued by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs; or
    • a Health Care Card.
  • Persons and dependants of persons in receipt of services from the following Commonwealth support or employment services programs:
    • Workforce Australia; orParentsNext.
  • Persons and dependants of persons in receipt of AUSTUDY or ABSTUDY.
  • Persons and dependants of persons in receipt of the Youth Allowance.
  • Persons and dependants of persons who are inmates of a custodial institution.
  • Secondary school-aged persons, not enrolled at school.

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